The advocacy committee organizes events, lectures, and panel discussions relating to the issues of the profession, as well as advocating for students both within the school and on a larger scale. We also dispenses information about the profession and educational materials on a number of topics in the field of architecture.

learning + teaching culture policy survey


past events

Internship Panel

Women in Architecture Round Table 





Although National Advocacy Month has come to a close, student advocacy remains a relevant and vital topic to discuss. Just like other programs and initiatives set by the AIAS National Office, the organization’s commitment to advocacy must be brought to our chapters, where the general membership can spread information to schools and beyond to strengthen our impact. After all, the chapter level is where we live and work, and if we all would advocate together, our collective voice could be tremendously loud, and the positive effect we could have would be almost limitless.

At AIAS Kent, we are deeply passionate about advocacy. To give our members a voice and agency within our college and the profession, we formed the AIAS Kent Advocacy Committee. Through this committee, we are providing ourselves with a body that we can utilize to speak on behalf of the students, and we have also begun several initiatives to inform our students about issues within the world of design and expose them to the realities of the profession. Many of these opportunities also offer more tangible benefits and help them advance their careers. Although our events take many forms, they most often tend to be panel discussions, because we have found that format to be most efficient at disseminating a lot of information and opinions to a large group. Of all our programming, our advocacy events are often the best-attended.

