2024-2025 AIAS Kent State University Board of Directors


matt keleman


Hi! My name is Matt Keleman and I’m so excited to serve as the President for the 2024-25 school year. AIAS was a great organization and resource to use during my transition to college. I’m looking forward to meeting new and returning faces this school year! I am a second-year architecture student with a minor in construction management. I’m honored to represent KSU, The CAED, AIAS, and of course, You! This past summer, I interned in residential construction management with K.Hovnanian Homes. Feel free to connect with me and reach out at any time! Remember… you can join AIAS at any time during the school year! There is no “deadline!”

alex friSINA

VICE president


Hello! I am a second-year student committed to continuing to develop the AIAS Kent State chapter through student and community outreach.



Hello! This semester, I am the secretary for the fall since I’m a 3rd year Architecture student and will be in Florence in the spring! I am also pursuing a Business Spanish minor and am from Pittsburgh, PA. Outside of classes, I often participate in choral ensembles and currently am a part of the Planetarium Crew here. I’m super excited to be on this board and hope to connect with even more people this semester!



I’m a third year architecture major from Brecksville, Ohio and am pursuing a minor in construction management. I’m a member of Alpha Rho Chi, AIAS, CMSO, and the Kent State Practicing Paranormal Society of Architects. I love running and being outdoors. Feel free to reach out to me if you see me around the CAED :)




I am an experienced architect and have been active within the Northeast Ohio architecture and design community for the past 18 years. I am currently an Associate and Project Manager with IKM Architecture as well as a faculty member at the Kent State University College of Architecture and Environmental Design. As a practicing architect, I focus on Higher Education, K-12, Civic, and Workplace Design projects. As a faculty member at Kent State, I have taught First Year Design Studio, Fourth Year Design Studio, and undergraduate and graduate Portfolio classes. I am a graduate of the Kent State CAED program.



Hello! I’m a second year architecture student and this year’s Treasurer of AIAS Kent. I’m from Youngstown, Ohio, and minoring in construction management and history. I’m currently the Superintendent of Alpha Rho Chi and I have a lifelong passion for the built environment. This year I’m excited to travel, make models, and continue to develop our student organizations here at Kent State University!



My name is Abigail Kendzerski, I'm a third year architecture student and I am this years director of marketing for AIAS! I decided to pursue architecture as my dad is a traditional timber framer. I grew up attending house and barn raisings across the states and quickly grew to love the art of building. I love to study design and develop my own designs through hand sketching and physical modeling, I think best with my hands and I love to experience models through unique textures and modeling techniques. I have two cats at home who love to play with all my models I bring home!



I am a second-year Architecture student pursuing a minor in Construction Management. I am from Clarkston, Michigan and am a fan of the Detroit Lions. In addition to being the spring Marketing Director of AIAS, I am also the Design Chair for APX and a member of CMSO. I enjoy doing anything creative and love drawing and creating artwork in my free time.




Hello! My name is Sarah, I'm in my third year of the architecture program. I'm from Medina, Ohio so I grew up pretty close to Kent. I'm the director of marketing for AIAS for the 2024 Fall semester and I was the underclassmen representative last year. I'm also a student ambassador for the CAED and I work in the Morbito Architecture Library. I love reading architecture theory, and am interested in all things design. I'm a design intern at Axi:Ome, and am very passionate about what I do!



Hello! I am currently a junior Architecture major studying abroad in Florence. I am minoring in Construction Management and am a part of Alpha Rho Chi Severus Chapter and CMSO. I’m from Pittsburgh, PA and have completed an internship with McKinley Architecture & Engineering last summer.



Hi! I am a third year architecture student with a minor in construction management and I will be the Event Coordinator for AIAS this fall. I am also part of the honors college, a member of ALD, and participate in the planetarium group on campus. In the spring I will be studying abroad in Florence. I am looking forward to meeting people and being involved this semester!



Contact us if you’re interested in this position!


jocelyn esswein

social committee director - fall

I am from Mars, Pennsylvania about 30 minutes north of Pittsburgh. I am a 3rd year Architecture student with no minor. Along with AIAS, I am in the honors college and a member of ALD, a national honors society. When I am not doing schoolwork, I enjoy hanging out with friends/family, exploring new places, doing fun activities, and being outside. Also, in the spring I will be studying abroad in Florence, Italy.




Hey I’m Chris! I’m a third year junior and currently going to study in Florence, Italy this fall semester and will be the social head for this upcoming spring semester! I also like working at coffee shops.




Hi! I will be the Mentorship Director for the 2024-25 academic year! I am a second-year architecture student. I am from central Ohio and love to travel! Outside of AIAS, I am a part of the honors college, and Alpha Lambda Delta. I look forward to this year in AIAS!



advocacy committee director

Contact us if you’re interested in this position!




My name is Emma Hoffman, and I am the Freedom by Design director for fall 2024. This is my second semester in this role. I am a third-year architecture student and have been involved with AIAS since fall 2023. When I'm not in the studio, I enjoy painting and reading. I hope to see you all this semester!




Hello! My name is Lauren Scott, and I am the Locker Stocker Director for the 2024-2025 school year. I am from Morgantown, WV, and I am pursuing a degree in Architecture with a Construction Management minor. I am new to AIAS, but I am very excited to see what I can accomplish in this position! Please feel free to reach out at any time, and I will do my best to help! Looking forward to this year!




I am a Masters of Architecture Student at Kent State. I joined AIAS in early 2020 and have been an active member since. I am also an associate member of AIA Akron and mentor of the Greater Akron-Canton ACE Affiliate.




I’m a second-year Architect Student with a Minor in Construction Management. From Akron, Ohio.




Hey, I'm Natalee! I am a second year Architecture student from the Pittsburgh area. Along with architecture, I'm minoring in Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. Aside from my involvement with AIAS, I am a member of CMSO, Alpha Lambda Delta, and May 4th Task Force. I'm a huge architecture and history nerd so I am hoping to get into historic preservation in the future!




Hi! My name is Cade. I am a fourth-year architecture student and the Upperclassmen Representative for AIAS. I grew up in Willoughby, about twenty minutes outside of Cleveland, and am a lifelong resident of Northeast Ohio. I have wanted to be an architect since I was a kid and I enjoy drawing and traveling to learn more about design! Currently, I am an intern at Perspectus Architects in Cleveland and have a freelance rendering business called Envision that I founded earlier this summer!




Contact us if you’re interested in this position!



past president

I am a fourth year Architecture major with a minor in construction management. I was the president of AIAS Kent before Matt and was the recipient of a Traveling Fellowship award to study public transportation in the Netherlands. I have interned at The Collaborative and with the CUDC MOOS program and at Axi:Ome with Sung Ho Kim. I am passionate about Urban Planning, sustainability, and community involvement in the design process. My hobbies are piano improvisation, music writing, and playing rocket league and volleyball.


Board Positions Duties

The President Shall

i. Chair all AIAS Kent Executive Board Meetings and General Assembly Meetings

ii. Be an official representative of the electorate, both within and outside the University community

iii. Appoint AIAS Kent representatives to University and other committees with the majority approval of the Executive Board.

iv. Meet as needed with the CAED Dean and CAED Faculty

v. Coordinate student affairs with the Vice President

vi. Assist the Treasurer in preparation of a budget as needed

vii. Attend financial meetings with the Treasurer

viii. Permission to sign bank transactions and gain access to the financial account along with the Treasurer and Faculty Advisor

ix. Perform any additional duties as may be required

x. Responsible for resolving conflicts within the executive board

xi. Serve as a liaison to local AIA, including but not limited to AIA Akron-Canton, AIA Cleveland, and AIA Ohio

The Vice Presidents Shall

i. There shall be Two Vice Presidents serving on the Executive Board, in the case of a Vice President studying abroad he or she may hold their position, while the other Vice President must remain at the Kent State University Main Campus

ii. Act as Chapter President, assuming all responsibilities, when:

1. The Chapter President position is vacant

2. the Chapter President has been non-communicative to all members of the Executive Board and AIAS Kent Faculty Advisor regarding AIAS Kent functioning for three weeks or more

iii. Assist the President in all his/her duties

iv. Report the to the Chapter President

v. Coordinate student affairs with the Chapter President

vi. Perform any additional duties as may be required

The Secretary Shall

i. Record and keep in permanent file the minutes of all meetings, regular, and special

ii. Make copies of the minutes and necessary legislation available to the Kent State University Community

iii. Distribute the meeting minutes within 24 hours to the Executive Board

iv. Update and maintain current records on all programs, events and/or meetings for future reference

v. Report to the Chapter President

vi. Maintain AIAS Kent e-mail account

vii. Perform any additional duties as may be required

The Treasurer Shall

i. Be responsible for the internal finances involving AIAS Kent budget including:

1. Approving all appropriate purchases

2. Keeping accurate financial records

3. Prepare reports for every general meeting on the financial status of AIAS Kent

4. Prepare an annual fiscal budget for approval by the General Assembly

5. Permission to sign bank transactions and gain access to the financial account along with the President and Faculty Advisor

6. Provide a financial update to the Executive Board a minimum of once per month during the academic year, preferably at an Executive Board Meeting. Should the Executive Board not meet in any given month another designated time should be arranged to provide this financial summary.

7. Oversee the money box and abide by the rules associated to it.

a. The money box must be kept within the CAED at all times, with the exception of events taking place elsewhere.

b. When not being used for events, the money box must be stored in either a) the locked cabinet of the treasurer in the CAED or b) locked cabinet within the Student Organization Office. The Treasurer, Chapter President and Faculty Advisor must all have access to the storage location.

c. The maximum amount of money allowed in the money box at any given time is $100. An exception to this rule is provided on the day of and the three days following an event. Any amount over $100 must be moved into the AIAS PNC bank account within the three days following an event.

ii. Report to the Chapter President

iii. Attend financial meetings with the Chapter President

iv. Perform any additional duties as may be required

v. Must have a Social Security Number

The Director of Media Shall

i. Responsible for graphics related to AIAS Kent including but not limited to:

1. posters, flyers, brochures, presentation folders, etc.

2. monthly calendars

3. banners, business cards, magnets, bookmarks, coasters, etc.

4. promotional videos

5. templates, important documents, campaign packages

ii. Must work with the secretary to design the weekly AIAS Kent News Flash

iii. Update curate and maintain social media accounts, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

iv. Develop, maintain and curate the AIAS Kent website for all members including events, meetings, attendance, forms, and requests

v. Responsible for announcing general meetings, programs, and events to KSU and the General Assembly via social media

vi. Work with the Director of Marketing to develop, maintain and curate the AIAS Kent website for all members including events, meetings, attendance, forms, and requests

vi. Report to the Chapter President

vii. Perform any additional duties as may be required

The Year Representatives Shall

i. These positions will be appointed by the board in the fall semester

ii Must be a member of the classes which they represent

1. Underclassmen- 1st and 2nd year

2. Upperclassmen- 3rd and 4th year

3. Graduate students- may be MArch, MS, Landscape, Healthcare

iii. Represent a portion of the general body

iv. Responsible for recruitment, membership month and aiding members in registration

v. Serve as liaison to the portion of the general body which they are assigned to represent

vi. Oversees peer mentorship

vii. Report to Chapter President

iv. Perform any additional duties as may be required

The AIA Akron Liaison Shall

i. Serve as a liaison to local AIA Akron-Canton

ii. Update executive board on current AIA Akron-Canton Events

iii. Responsible for announcing general meetings, programs, and events to KSU and the General Assembly

iv. Report to the Chapter President

v. Perform any additional duties as may be required

The AIA Cleveland Liaison Shall

i. Must be a student currently enrolled at the Kent State Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative

ii. Serve as a liaison to AIA Cleveland

iii. Update executive board on current AIA Cleveland Events

iv. Responsible for announcing general meetings, programs, and events to KSU and the General Assembly

v. Report to the Chapter President

vi. Perform any additional duties as may be required

The CUDC Liaison Shall

i. Must be a student currently enrolled at the Kent State Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative

ii. Serve as a liaison to the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative in Cleveland

iii. Update executive board on current CUDC events

iv. Responsible for announcing general meetings, programs, and events to KSU and the General Assembly

v. Report to the Chapter President

vi. Perform any additional duties as may be required